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get more serious about smoothing the face. I use my fingers first to push and flatten out the clay, then I use Sculpey diluent/clay softener on a soft clean brush and smooth some more. Now I start to refine the eye area. That’s just my preference, and I usually do one eye at a time, but do this however you feel comfortable. Always remember this one point, if going for a likeness, you must create things as you actually see them, not as you think they are. A face, as in all things when drawing or sculpting, is just a bunch of angles and the spaces between. Check the relationship of the length of the nose to its width, the space between the eyes in relation to the width of the mouth, the space above the mouth to the nose as opposed to the space below the mouth to the chin. This is something that the dividers make easy and the technique “by eye” can be learned! I recommend the book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards. She can help you learn the trick to drawing, or in this case sculpting, what you actually see by using the more mathematical/spatial relations side of the brain!!

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